新會來襲 | “2025第四屆東盟軌道交通國際峰會/The 4th ASEAN Rail Summit 2025”與您相約馬來西亞·吉隆坡
上海士研管理咨詢有限公司Shine Consultant International
[支持單位/Supported and endorsed by]
新加坡陸路交通管理局 Land Transport Authority
菲律賓交通部 Department of Transportation Philippines
菲律賓國家鐵路局 Philippine National Railways
菲律賓輕軌交通運輸管理局 Light Rail Transit Authority Philippines
越南交通運輸部 Ministry of Transport Vietnam
印尼交通部 Ministry of Transportation Indonesia
印度鐵道部 Ministry of Railways, India
中國中車集團有限公司 CRRC Corporation Limited(China Railway Rolling Stock Corporation)
中國建筑集團有限公司 China State Construction Engineering Group Co., Ltd.(CSCEC)
中國鐵路工程集團有限公司 China Railway Engineering Group Co., Ltd.
東日本旅客鐵道株式會社 East Japan Railway Company
國際隧道與地下空間協會 International Tunnelling and Underground Space Association
印度尼西亞交通協會 Indonesian Transportation Association
【會議框架及熱點議題/Agenda Overview】
Session 1:
Development of ASEAN Rail Market under Globalization
Session 2:
Digital Technology Driving the Construction of Rail Transit Projects
Session 3:
Cross-border Project Planning, Standardization as the Foundation, Investment
& Financing Opportunities Expansion
Session 4:
Digitalization Empowers Intelligent Operations and Efficient Maintenance
l 互聯互通——全球軌道交通市場狀況及發展前景
Interconnection and Interoperability: Global Rail Transit Market Status and Development Prospects
l 東盟軌交標準化建設探索與實踐
Exploration and Practice of ASEAN Rail Transit Standardization Construction
l 馬來西亞軌交網絡深度剖析:項目布局與未來增長
In-Depth Analysis of Malaysia's Rail Transit Network: Project Layout and Future Growth
l 中老鐵路:強化中南半島交通互聯互通的戰略紐帶
China-Laos Railway: A Strategic Link Strengthening Transportation Interconnection and Interoperability in the Indochina Peninsula
l 印尼鐵路及城市軌道交通市場展望
Outlook on Indonesia's Railway and Urban Rail Transit Market
l 圓桌討論:深化東盟標準化合作:全球視野下的互聯互通策略
Panel Discussion: Deepening ASEAN Standardization Cooperation: Interconnection and
Interoperability Strategies from a Global Perspective
l 數字化技術在軌道交通工程質量與安全控制中的應用
Application of Digital Technologies in Quality and Safety Control of Rail Transit Engineering
l 智軌走向海外——馬來西亞智軌介紹
Smart Rails Going Global: Introduction to Malaysia's Smart Rail System
l BIM 與物聯網 (IoT) 技術在軌道交通中的集成應用
Integrated Application of BIM and Internet of Things (IoT) Technologies in Rail Transit
l 泛亞鐵路倡議下的數字化軌交建設
Digital Railway Construction under the Pan-Asia Railway Initiative
l 如何推動軌道交通智能化、信息化未來發展建設?
How to Drive the Future Development and Construction of Smart and Information-Based Rail Transit?
l 數智化時代下,東盟軌道交通可持續發展的雙輪驅動
Panel Discussion: Dual-Wheel Drive for the Sustainable Development of ASEAN Rail Transit in the Era of Digitalization and Intelligence
l 頒獎典禮 -2024 東盟軌道交通推薦供應商
Awards Ceremony - Recognizing the Recommended Suppliers of 2025 ASEAN Rail Summit
l 軌道交通項目的資金難題與解決方案
Financial Challenges and Solutions for Rail Transit Projects
l 馬新高鐵的“重啟之路”
The "Road to Revival" for the Malaysia-Singapore High-Speed Rail (HSR)
l 中泰鐵路合作:東盟視角的‘一帶一路’
China-Thailand Railway Cooperation: The 'Belt and Road' Initiative from an ASEAN Perspective
l 日本鐵路的未來展望:技術創新與可持續發展
Future Outlook of Japan's Railway: Technological Innovation and Sustainable Development
l 雅萬高鐵的 PPP 模式助力中越鐵路
The PPP Model of the Jakarta-Bandung High-Speed Rail Supporting China-Vietnam Railway Projects
l 圓桌討論:東盟軌交新藍圖:規劃協同、標準統一與投融資創新
Panel Discussion: ASEAN Rail Transit's New Blueprint: Planning Coordination, Standardization, and Investment & Financing Innovation
l 從“無人駕駛”到“智能運維”:東盟軌道交通的智能化實踐
From "Driverless Operation" to "Intelligent Maintenance": The Intelligent Practice of ASEAN Rail Trans
l 軌道交通智慧運營系統的構建與實踐
Construction and Practice of Smart Operation Systems for Rail Transit
l 重塑鐵路票務未來圖景:刷臉支付技術的革新
Reshaping the Future of Railway Ticketing: The Innovation of Face Recognition Payment Technology
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